the one where i always start projects i can't finish.

or so says clint.

him: "why are you always starting projects when we're about to go out of town?"
me: "um, i think it's just that i'm always starting projects, because we don't go out of town very often..."

i mean what? LOL.

but yeah. i've been on a little bit of a "project" kick, mainly because i get a little manic about making the house look better and more "done" during the summer when i'm sitting around, staring at it all day, and two, i keep stumbling across these AMAZING blogs by these AMAZING people who do AMAZING things in their homes with their own two hands. inspiring, yes. a wee bit irritating at the same time, yes. mainly because i have not an inkling of creativity & vision compared to these folks.

and i am ashamed to think of how much our wedding cost compared to the lovely couple over at This Young House, who did everything themselves and on a budget. wow, is all i can say. wow. our wedding was lovely in the end, i must say, and very gayla, and i loved it to pieces. so i guess it's ok. lol.

also, if you're interested in DIY-ing, you simply MUST check out Centsational Girl, my new hero of all things home fashion. god bless these people with visionary ideas.

you know what's sad? that writing html is like playing the piano, NOT like riding a bike. meaning that since i haven't kept it up, and have left all the code writing to the machines that be at lovely blogspot and wordpress for so long now, that i can't remember much at all! just a side note.

but yeah. in addition to having to be finished packing tomorrow evening, i still have several half done projects that need to be finished. in addition to:

-picking up wendy's corrected 8x10 photos of the wedding from wolf camera
-finding some spray paint
-painting items with said spray paint
-hanging my DIY no-sew "bar-skirt" (i'll post pictures assuming it turns out ok)
-getting my nails done
-getting my allergy shots
-one last load of laundry

and more, i'm sure. we shall see. tricky. send a quick prayer/cross your fingers/shake a stick or something for bestfriendk tomorrow: she has a job interview!


jenn k said...

"You can do it!" LOL! we can encourage and help each other with all of our projects! :)

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