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well, considering i've hardly left my house in 8 days due to this probable case of Mono (find out for sure tomorrow from 2nd blood test), i definitely haven't had a very thrilling or productive week.
i thought i'd post a little about the books i'm currently/soon to be reading. :) there is not a day in my life that i don't have a book in progress. as soon as i finish one, i pick out a new one to start the next day.

this week i read and finished Dear John by Nicholas Sparks. i was a little underwhelmed by the love story of the book, but i was completely struck by the relationship between father and son. there was a point where i literally sobbed over it for a good 10 minutes. so much that the husband was worried about me! :) the book is a little slow getting started, but i enjoyed it overall.

i'm currently in the middle of reading The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. it is definitely a youngsters' love story, but in my opinion, the writing just seems better in this one. ??? i definitely don't read Sparks for his writing genius; it's the stories that are heartfelt and enjoyable. when you're sick, you don't really feel like reading hard core literature. :)

next up on my Kindle is Queen of Babble in the Big City by Meg Cabot. Cabot is the author of all the Princess Diary books and writes chick lit for teens and for adults. i find her voice very fun to read. she has good comic timing. not sure if any of this makes sense, but she really is an enjoyable author to read. i think i must have read the original Queen of Babble book last summer, so hopefully i'll enjoy this one as well. there is a 3rd, also: Queen of Babble Gets Hitched. i love series!

i also ordered Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea by Chelsea Handler on my Kindle. i think people either love or hate Handler, but she cracks me up with her hateful comments. anyway, i've heard her books are funny, so hopefully i will enjoy this one! she just came out with a new book: Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang, if you're interested.
good times with reading! feel free to leave some book recommendations in the comments; i love recommendations from friends!
Okay, you have a kindle? I think I want one, just not sure if I will like reading it on a screen vs. a bound book. What do you think about it??
i love it! it can get expensive, though, with the kindle books being about $10/each, so i usually alternate between kindle and real book. :)
so that way i don't actually have to choose. i think it would be weird to never read a real book anymore. but i've also noticed with the kindle i end up reading faster; don't know if it's not having to turn the pages or what??
How funny! I guess turning pages is quite the time suck, now that I think about it! LOL! Well, it might be Christmas before I ask for one. But I think I might like it, but I would do like you and alternate. I do love that new book smell!
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