Whoo hoo! Check out the end result:Perfectly complements the new necklace hanger I made last week! From far away, the earrings almost look as if they're floating!

First I measured where I wanted my holes on the back of the frame and marked the spots with a pencil. OK, these eye hooks were SO tiny, I could barely keep them in my fingers, so I needed to use a nail to hammer my holes rather than just try to screw the hooks in from scratch. This helped a lot. I screwed them into their holes (heh heh) as much as I could, then used my trusty pliers to wind them all the way in. Then I just tied the hemp to each end and voila!

Wow, this one tiny corner of our bedroom is starting to have a little life of its own, huh? It must be time to tackle the bedroom hand-me-down furniture. Wonder if I can make that happen before I go back to work in 2 weeks...ugh. I really want an electric sander before I tackle that!

Linking up for Make Your Monday; thank you, to Kim at Twice Remembered. Be sure to stop by and check out what everyone else is making!
That's brilliant! It displays your jewelry neatly and beautifully - great job! Thanks for joining Make Your Monday this week!
My daughter would love this. Thanks for sharing.
You're very clever! I love your jewerly frame and btw, your kitty is way too cute all sprawled out! Love it!
What a good idea - and seriously some jewelry is just so pretty, it ought to be on display! Your chalkboard projects look great!
Very, very nice. I think I'll have to try something like it for my daughter.
I love the white color scheme too--it's really relaxing.
Fabulous idea! Useful and looks cute too!
Great job! My sister & I made one of these last week using an old mirror & window screen, I'll be posting it on my blog later this week, be sure & check it out. Oh, and I'm having a giveaway starting Tuesday, come & enter!
Great idea!
I don't wear many earrings anymore, but I sure could use one of those necklace holders.
(hmmm...I have some glass knobs around here somewhere...)
This is a great idea. Displaying jewelry as art... would probably make finding my earrings easier when I'm half asleep in the mornings, as well. Thanks for dropping by and letting me know I'm not alone in my freakish word nerdery! And trabajamos is FABULOUS! (We are working...lol)
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