Living Room Cabaret Part Deux
11/17/2009 08:15:00 PM | Labels: videos | 1 Comments
Impromptu Living Room Cabaret (AKA: Mom's Surprise 60th!)
11/03/2009 08:15:00 PM | Labels: videos | 2 Comments
a conversation on football.
11/03/2009 08:05:00 PM | Labels: Clint, funny stories | 1 Comments
A nice afternoon in downtown McKinney!
10/31/2009 08:38:00 PM | Labels: family, photos, shopping | 1 Comments
fun times with random questions.
Stolen from Diabetic Baker, who stole it from Six Until Me, who lifted it from someone, who got it from ... who knows? Here we go!
1. I’ve come to realize that my job … requires a secretary that I will never be getting.
2. I’ve come to realize that when I’m driving … I totally zone out, which seems like it would be dangerous.
3. I’ve come to realize that I need … to keep singing to be happy.
4. I’ve come to realize that I have lost … my naivete, which is mostly a good thing, but still a little sad.
5. I’ve come to realize that I hate it when … people don't do their fair share.
6. I’ve come to realize that money … is the root of all evil, right along with the media.
7. I’ve come to realize that certain people … are just plain crazy, and you can't do anything to change that or them.
8. I’ve come to realize that I’ll always … be an Adkins.
9. I’ve come to realize that my siblings … do, indeed, love and care about me.
10. I’ve come to realize that my mom … means well and loves me more than herself.
11. I’ve come to realize that my cell phone … is the best 400 bucks I've ever spent.
12. I’ve come to realize that when I woke up this morning … I felt the same way I do every morning when I wake up, which is disgruntled.
13. I’ve come to realize that last night before I went to sleep … I was grading papers, when I probably should have been spending more time with my hubby.
14. I’ve come to realize that right now I am thinking … about all the meetings and obligations I have this week. Negative Nancy today--sorry!
15. I’ve come to realize that my dad … , even with all of his faults, is a truly good man.
16. I’ve come to realize that today … is nearing its end, and all I can hope for is that I made a child smile, laugh, or feel good about him/herself.
17. I’ve come to realize that tonight … is going to be much more relaxing than my day.
18. I’ve come to realize that tomorrow … is going to be a lot like today.
19. I’ve come to realize that I really want to … be a stay at home mom. YES! Me too, Christine. :) Except I'm not a Mom yet. Hehe.
20. I’ve come to realize that life … never explains itself or waits for you to figure it out.
21. I’ve come to realize that this weekend … is going to be full of more Little Shop of Horrors shenanigans!!!
22. I’ve come to realize that marriage … isn't easy, but is definitely a blessing.
23. I’ve come to realize that my friends … are awesome and enhance my life so much!
24. I’ve come to realize that this year … is going to longer than I thought.
25. I’ve come to realize that maybe I should … try to take better care of myself.
26. I’ve come to realize that I love … writing.
27. I’ve come to realize that I don’t understand … a LOT.
28. I’ve come to realize my past … is in the past.
29. I’ve come to realize that parties … heh heh heh.
30. I’ve come to realize that I’m totally terrified … spiders with designs on their backs.
9/21/2009 06:51:00 PM | | 2 Comments
first week of school down...35 to go.
oh dear lord. i am SO behind on blogging, on keeping up with the blogs i subscribe to, on DIY projects, on learning my lines for the show, on sleep, on pretty much everything i can think of right now. although i did go to the grocery store last night, which was a start.
rehearsal tomorrow & poster distribution for advertisement; should be fun. we finished blocking the rest of the show last night, so we can start run-thrus soon i think! that's always where it starts to get to be the most fun. it's funny; as tired as i am doing a show during the school year, i really love having that creative outlet and that SOCIAL outlet, spending that time with my theater friends! it is something that not only keeps me sane but adds something to my life, making it richer. so i'm thankful for the talent i've been given and for those who've encouraged and taught me and molded me along the way and to those to have given me the chance to discover what i can do. yay! ok, enough of the sappiness.
can we talk about how emotionally and physically exhausted i am after this first week back to school with the kids? i can't really get into details here since it's such a public arena that's connected to many of my fellow teachers, but suffice it to say that i am dealing with a lot of situations in my classroom/building right now that i was NOT dealing with the past 2 years i've taught here. and it doesn't help that i have 22 students. they barely FIT in the freaking classroom! i mean, you should see us trying to do calendar math together. one of the special ed. teachers came in my room the other day and didn't even see me, because in order to show them the calendar, i have to back myself into this tiny corner in the back of the room and reach my hand, and only my hand, out with the vis-a-vis pen! if only i could take a video; it would be comical. it's kind of like the clowns in the car at the circus. just saying.
also: where's the joy? cuz it ain't lurking anywhere in my hallway, that's fo sho! it's been a rough start to the year, what with pretty much everything technological being broken in pretty much every classroom, being the new campus technology rep, and having some kids with special needs that take up most of my day in energy. it always turns out that the kids you have to work the hardest for are the ones you end up loving the most, though, doesn't it?
a good note is that my class this year is filled with some truly compassionate, caring, and beautiful little kiddos. i think once we get into the swing of things, it's going to be an amazing year of learning for us (including me; i'm already learning so much). so i guess beyond the exhaustion, i can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
i am hoping to start back going to the gym next week. i also really miss thrifting! i haven't been shopping at goodwill or my thrift stores in like a month! must get back into the swing of things once the show dies down some. maybe the week after we open...
i will try to get back to blogging on a regular basis, because i miss it!
happy weekend, all!
8/28/2009 09:51:00 PM | Labels: teaching, theater | 2 Comments
Show us your life Friday: wedding reception! (better late than never.)

8/07/2009 04:09:00 PM | Labels: photos, wedding | 0 Comments
some inspiration via images.

(All of the above images are courtesy of The Nest.)

I saw this last image of an eat-in kitchen on The Gypsy's Corner and loved it. This is exactly what I have pictured in the corner of our kitchen but have not come across anywhere. I love that what would normally be a wooden bench is comfortable upholstery, and the black chairs would be perfect for my fiesta ware/tuscan themed kitchen.
OK, so be looking for all of these wonderful things to happen in my house...when the lotto-fairy visits me.
8/06/2009 04:53:00 PM | Labels: home, inspiration | 1 Comments
Picture frame turned earrings display.
Whoo hoo! Check out the end result:Perfectly complements the new necklace hanger I made last week! From far away, the earrings almost look as if they're floating!

First I measured where I wanted my holes on the back of the frame and marked the spots with a pencil. OK, these eye hooks were SO tiny, I could barely keep them in my fingers, so I needed to use a nail to hammer my holes rather than just try to screw the hooks in from scratch. This helped a lot. I screwed them into their holes (heh heh) as much as I could, then used my trusty pliers to wind them all the way in. Then I just tied the hemp to each end and voila!

Wow, this one tiny corner of our bedroom is starting to have a little life of its own, huh? It must be time to tackle the bedroom hand-me-down furniture. Wonder if I can make that happen before I go back to work in 2 weeks...ugh. I really want an electric sander before I tackle that!

Linking up for Make Your Monday; thank you, to Kim at Twice Remembered. Be sure to stop by and check out what everyone else is making!
8/02/2009 11:15:00 PM | Labels: DIY, jewelry, thrifting | 9 Comments