I haven't posted since August! Geez. I guess you could say I've been busy? :D
Here is our Christmas card with our BIG BOY, Hudson, at 6 months old (almost 7)!
Can't believe how fast he is growing. It makes me so sad to think of all the time I miss with him when I'm at work all day. :( What can you do? I know I'm working to provide a good life for him.
He truly is the sweetest baby boy, and he is SO happy. Obviously he has his moments of fussiness (AKA "angry baby alert"), but most of the time he is just content as can be. LOVE that boy more than anything.
Having a baby has made me appreciate and love our families even more, because it is so neat to see all of our family members loving on Hudson when they see him.
I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and all the best in 2012!