Well, for all of those people (including me) who have thought all along that this baby would come early, we were wrong! :)
I'll be 40 weeks on Wednesday, and baby Hudson does not seem to be in any type of hurry to enter the world! We sure are ready to meet him, though, and we go back to the doctor on Tuesday afternoon. It is likely, depending on his size, that I'll be induced Wednesday. So he may be born on my due date after all, which is so rare! :)
I haven't really had the whole hard-core nesting phase, just experienced it off and on. I've felt so awful for the last few weeks (and have been on bed rest for 2 weeks), I haven't had much energy to do a ton, so thankfully Clint has been amazing and doing tons of stuff around the house, and my mom has come over to help me a few times. She and our good friend, Debbie, came over to clean one day, too, which was awesome.
Hudson's room is all ready for him, so I'll share some pictures. I'm really pleased with how it turned out. I knew I wanted bright colors, not pastels, and no typical baby theme (trains, bears, etc), so here's what we ended up with:
The lime green wall accent wall is actually painted in stripes--
matte and high gloss, but it's so hard to see in photos.
Well, Hudson--any DAY now, sweet baby! We are ALL waiting with bated breath for your arrival. In many ways, I can't believe he is actually going to be here; it's been such a long road. But I am SURE ready to get him OUT of my belly (uterus). :D Wish us luck, please, and hopefully the next post will be Hudson's birth announcement!!!
Love to all,